For Those It Concerns…
This post is both for me and those trying to understand my reasons for writing this blog and becoming a full-fledged blogger. This is a valid question, honestly, and it’s one I’ve had to ask myself repeatedly before starting this up.
If you know me personally you may be shocked to come across this blog. This might even be “out-of-character” for me. You’re not entirely wrong, as I’m not one to put myself out there–at least not to this extent–but I’m optimistic. All I ask of you is to take the time to read this blog.
To give a watered-down explanation of why I’m doing this: I need experience. I’ve been studying SEO for a few months now, and I’m ready to put it into practice. I’ve got multiple certifications, and a heap of notes so why not put it to good use? Maybe, my best practices have been proven successful, and you’re one of my readers who is reading this post for the first time. The experience gained through this blog has always been a pro, and my love for writing is simply a plus.
My Writing History Prior To This Blog
I’ll admit, this isn’t my first blog ever. At the age of 10, I created a blog on From what I recall, the blog didn’t get much traction. I’m positive the website has been wiped off of the internet, and I thank God for it. My liking for writing didn’t stop there though. From a young age, I was an advent Wattpad user and a huge fangirl. No, I’m not an author behind any of the godforsaken ‘Kidnapped by One Direction’ books, but sadly, I contributed to the fanfiction genre.
At the time, I was the biggest Selena Gomez fan you’d ever meet (that alone should give you an idea of what I was writing). Obsessed isn’t even the word, but my fangirl days are a story for another day. Anyway, it was a high school love story and while I don’t remember the plot, I do remember that it got a good bit of readers and people seemed to enjoy it. I was shocked, to say the least, but eventually, I deleted the book completely. It was gone and forgotten, just like my sh*t blog.
Resource: Wattpad – Where stories live
Around 2018-2019, I was still on Wattpad, writing stories that would never leave the drafts. A great stand out is Childish, which was essentially about two black teenagers who live soap opera esc lives. It was practically everything I expected high school to be like in a book (Oh, was in for a rude awakening) and it isn’t the worst thing I’ve ever written. I’ve still been writing to this day, and my Wattpad account is still intact with tons of WIPs and discontinued projects. I see myself unpacking those stories in a future post but until then, let’s stay on topic.
Answering The REAL Question
Boom! Why Did I Make This Blog? I’ve explained my love for writing and how I plan to use this website to practice SEO, but I’ve yet to mention that this blog is sort of a challenge for myself. I challenge myself to sticking with this blog. I mentioned my discontinued writing projects, the things I’ve drafted over the past decade, and I’ve got to stop doing that. Discontinued projects get me nowhere, and I won’t be rewriting history (pun intended). This blog will not become one of my novels, covered in dust and cobwebs.
I’m making this a promise to myself and to whoever is reading this; It’s time to take this seriously. I will make something out of this blog, and I will have fun doing so. This won’t just be a lucrative hobby, but it’s something I genuinely enjoy. As I said, I’m optimistic about this blog. I know it’ll reach whoever it’s meant to.
Take this challenge for myself as inspiration to break any cycles holding you back. Make that decision–whatever it may be–and do so with confidence. I’m going to end this here because I know myself, and I am one sentence away from this post turning into a self-improvement rant. The decision is made. We’re doing this.
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